It is such a great podcast for ATLA fans. Hosted by Avatar Korra and Prince Zuko with special guest involved in the show and sometimes fans. It dives deep into the Avatarverse and lets us know of things we didn't, and sometimes the host learn things as well.
This is such a well done podcast. I am enjoying reliving the franchise through each episode's recaps, but my favourite part is, hands down, the discussions from the hosts and the guests they bring on. I love hearing their perspective and experiences from being on the production. The insight they bring to the episodes is beyond fascinating to listen to.
Let's face it, we LOVE Avatar: The Last Aribender and will consume anything with its brand... But this is a well-produced and fun look back at the show. If you're a fan and want to relive some of the show and conversation, this is a great show!
I just love Avatar, so to have a podcast with voices I have grown to love is just amazing. Dante and Janet do an amazing job driving the journey through each episode. Especially Janet. She has a real talent for audio story telling. The guest that have on this show is also insane!
Always a pleasure! Janet and Dante create a comfortable atmosphere. Fun, funny, and with some insightful interviews. Also, the ads are kept to a minimum in later episodes, which makes a difference for me.