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Biblioclast Podcast: Fighting Book Snobbery Ten Minutes at a Time | Reading | Humor

Biblioclast Podcast: Fighting Book Snobbery Ten Minutes at …

An Arts and Literature podcast

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Biblioclast Podcast: Fighting Book Snobbery Ten Minutes at a Time | Reading | Humor

Biblioclast Podcast: Fighting Book Snobbery Ten Minutes at a Time | Reading | Humor

Biblioclast Podcast: Fighting Book Snobbery Ten Minutes at a Time | Reading | Humor

Biblioclast Podcast: Fighting Book Snobbery Ten Minutes at …

An Arts and Literature podcast
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Welcome to the podcast of Rebecca Romney (the rare book specialist on Pawn Stars) and JP Romney (author of The Monster on the Road is Me). We read books a lot. We talk about history too much. Luckily, we also love comedy, and don’t take ourselves too seriously. So we decided to make a podcast ten years after making podcasts was a cool thing to do. We just want to talk about books and entertain listeners along the way. We can guarantee that first part, and we’re mildly holding out hope for the second. For example, in the first twenty seconds of our opening we quote two Shakespeare plays. The first is Hamlet. While it’s the aural equivalent of *eat your broccoli, it’s good for you*, that “To be or not to be” line is still one of the most elegant and important sentences in the English language. The second quote is from a lesser known play (Titus Andronicus, Act 4, Scene 2) and is the actual equivalent of an I just fornicated your momma joke. If you find that kind of irreverence in literature funny (and we definitely do), we invite you to join us. Not physically, of course, that would be weird. We invite your ears to join us. (Again, not physically. Please don’t van Gogh us.)
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Podcast Status
Oct 28th, 2016
Latest Episode
Apr 20th, 2017
Release Period
3 per week

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