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14. Being Brave and Putting Your Business in the Backseat

14. Being Brave and Putting Your Business in the Backseat

Released Sunday, 21st August 2022
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14. Being Brave and Putting Your Business in the Backseat

14. Being Brave and Putting Your Business in the Backseat

14. Being Brave and Putting Your Business in the Backseat

14. Being Brave and Putting Your Business in the Backseat

Sunday, 21st August 2022
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In this episode, Bec is sharing the details of her signature program, Business in the Backseat, which is all about helping you to implement systems, automation and outsourcing in your business. With these tools, Bec will help you to get the business "stuff" under control so that you can focus on the work that truly lights you up!

Find out more and sign up for Business in the Backseat, here.

Find brave business inspiration and continue the conversation with Bec here:

14. Being Brave and Putting Your Business in the Backseat - Transcript

Hi, I'm back McFarland from popular business and popular career. In this podcast, I'll be speaking to entrepreneurs who have overcome adversity, made difficult decisions, challenged the status quo and achieved amazing things in their businesses. Welcome to brave in business. Hello. Hello back. McFarland here. Helping you do better and be better in your career or business. And today I am here to tell you all about business in the back seat and oh my gosh, I am so excited about this. I am so, so excited about this. So my team and I have been working on the launch for business in the back seat for quite a while now. There's been a lot of moving pieces, a lot of work that we've been putting in behind the scenes to upgrade the content and it's just so cool. I am like, really, really truly so proud of this piece of work. So business in the back seat is my signature programme. I launched it for the first time last year, and when I did that, it was like just a little small programme was like Four modules went for four weeks, so it was priced around 203 $100. It was just like a little tiny thing, kind of like a lot of the other tiny things that I've launched since I originally opened popular business. But I had so much fun with it, and I realised that there is actually so much more to it. And the clients that went through the programme had such amazing things to say about it. You know, such wonderful feedback, but also really great ideas about how I could ramp it up and make it even better. So my team and I basically took on that challenge. We went about it. It was a huge mission, and now we're at a point where business in the back seat is open for enrollment, and it just kind of feels a bit surreal. You know, we've been talking about it now for like quite a while, and today it's ready. It's here. It's open like people can join up. It's so great. It's so great. So today I just wanted to dive in and tell you a little bit about business in the back seat and what it actually is and how it came about and why you might even be interested. But before we get into the nitty gritty and talk about what's included in the programme and all of that kind of stuff, I just wanted to address this question. What on earth does it actually mean to put your business in the back seat? It's a pretty funny name for a programme, right? But there was a whole like story behind it, an idea behind it. I'm going to explain it to you. I think that once I do, you're going to love it. So business owners, just like you are telling me all the time that being in business is bloody overwhelming, like we're all wearing so many different hats. There are all these different things that we need to do. It's just like the to do list is never ending and like I hear it all the time and I can really relate. But what I can tell you is that when our business is overwhelming us, it is actually taking over. So who's in control, right? Is it you or is it your business now? Business in the back seat is all about taking back the steering wheel. When I think about this programme, when I think about like what its purpose is. I imagine myself basically turning around to my business and firmly telling it, Eggs, exactly who is boss and what happens when I do This is It's like No, honey, you can sit in the back. You can enjoy the ride, but I'm in charge of the stereo and stop eating my snacks. I'm the boss just in the same way that in your business you're the boss, baby, and that is what it's all really about. So business in the back seat is you stepping into the CEO role of your business. But also, as you've heard me say before, getting all of that business stuff, the boring stuff under control so that you can really and truly focus on the work that lights you up. There are three main concepts that I teach in business in the back seat, and these are systems automation and outsourcing. So we start by looking at what systems you've already got in your business. By the way, so many people say to me, I don't have systems, and I'm like, I'm calling Bs on that, Okay, because just because you don't have your systems documented. It doesn't mean that you don't have systems. The system is just a way of doing things. You've got ways of doing things. So what we do is we make all of those systems official and we look at what systems we could implement to help you take better control of your business. We look at all of the tasks that are on your plate. We ditch the ones that you don't need to be doing. And then from there we look at what we can actually automate, like if the robots can handle it, let the robots have. And from there we also look at outsourcing, which is basically saying, You know what? Like you are not the right person to be doing absolutely everything in your business. And sometimes we just need to bring other people on the journey with us because they can do it better or faster or easier. Or they can just enjoyed themselves instead of you just hating your life, doing those tasks that grind your gears every single time. So as I mentioned previously, the programme was like four little modules. But now we've actually expanded it out. So there are eight really meaty modules. I'm going to roll through the modules really quick, can just tell you what they're all about. But, honestly, you're going to want to go over to the sales page and check this out because there's loads were information, and it's just going to all make a hell of a lot more sense once you see it. So you can do that at Pop your business dot com forward slash b b s for business in the back seat, and you will find all information there, the buttons to join everything that you need and also the details of how to contact me if you've got questions that are unanswered. So in module one, we talk about setting your business priorities and goals before we dive into any kind of systems or automation or outsourcing or anything. It's like we need to know where we are going. What is the destination? This is not one of those kinds of situations. Where were you? I'm going to jump in the car to go for a road trip and just like allow the car to take us wherever it wants to go. We want to be intentional, and it would just be a waste of time if we were jumping in. Just creating automation is really merely and crossing our fingers and hoping that everything would turn out right. So laying the foundations, getting it already and, you know, just identifying what is it that we actually want? And how do we really want to feel in our business, too? So module two is all about assessing and making sense of your work. So this is where we actually look at everything that you've got on your plate. So every single task that happens in your business and also the tasks that you want to do in your business that you haven't started doing, probably because you don't have the time or energy because you're too busy doing everything else. We want to lay it all out, and we want to be really, I guess, discerning about which tasks we're actually going to continue doing, because I know that all of us are doing a hell of a lot of things in our business that are mostly a waste of time. So we're just going to stop doing that. We're going to kill those tasks dead, and we're going to focus on the ones that are actually giving us a return on our investment in module three. We are talking about business systems. So, like I said, we're going to be looking at the systems that you've already got in place. But then we will identify the systems that you need to have in place in order to be a able to do better and be better in your business, right? We're going to identify them, polish them, look for opportunities, and then we're going to take your systematise ng of your business to the next level. Module floor is all about business workflows, and this is where we're going to be doing a lot of process mapping. And I love process mapping. Whether you you do it digitally, all you are old school and you grab the pen and the butcher's paper. It doesn't really matter, but basically what we're doing is just drawing a diagram of like how you do stuff in your business. But when we really dive into it, when we really look at how you're doing stuff, then the magic happens, right? It's just such a feeling such a vibe. I love it in module five. We're going into Automation Central. So this is where we look at, you know, in that process map, what are the things that we could get the robots to handle? And a lot of people kind of stare clear of automating because of the fact they feel like they've got to be really techie and, you know, like, have lots of different pieces of software and it's gonna be hard in all of this. And I'm here to say like, No, it doesn't have to be hard. You don't need heaps of pieces of software. You don't have to be super technical. It's all okay, that's what I'm here for. I totally geek out about automation. I get really excited about it. And I love thinking of different ways that we can automate things to make your life easier. And ultimately, that's what we want. Now, in Module six and seven were going to be talking about your team. Module six is all about growing your team, so bringing people on and then onboarding them, and this is kind of when my expertise really shines. My background is in HR and recruitment. So I've been recruiting basically since the beginning of time, and in this module I'm going to be sharing with you all of the knowledge that I have gained throughout my career in that industry. So what we're going to look at is like, How do you bring on the right people, right? It's not just like, how do we bring on anyone? It's really about how we can make sure that the people that we bring onto your team are the people that you actually need and the people that you really want to work with right in module seven. Then we look at how we're actually going to lead the team. So it's not just about bringing people on and then like unleashing them onto your business. Leadership is an art form. It can be something that you can actually be really proud of if you do well. And I'm excited to tell you about that, to share with you my own experiences and to help you understand what kind of leader you really want to be. Now, Module eight is all about scaling your business. This is where we look at, like what the hell happens next? You know, you've created these systems workflows automation is you've grown a team and it's like, uh, now what? Well, when we're scaling your business, we're looking at how we can actually leverage your strengths and leverage your assets to really take your business to whatever heights you want to take it to. And this is really a personal decision about what it is that you really want. I mean, are you looking to get the systems and automation and team and stuff like that in place so that you can put your feet up and work less hours like the whole M Ferris model? Or are you more like me? I'm looking at getting all of the systems and workflows and team and all of that kind of stuff in place so that I can create more times that I can work more. That's a little bit more of the Elon Musk type of model. But whichever end of the spectrum you're on one side, the other even somewhere in the middle, it doesn't matter. This programme is going to support you through that journey before I go on and tell you about some of the bonuses that we've got. I just want to highlight to you that I know there are going to be people out there who are going to be like, Oh, well, modules 67 and eight. I don't need them because I'm not there yet. My business isn't ready yet and what I want to say is first like No, that is not true. Outsourcing doesn't have to be hard. And you don't have to reach some kind of imaginary pinnacle in your business before you start actually thinking about having a team. So let's just think about this a little bit differently. And in these modules, I am going to help you to change your mindset around this. But the other thing that I wanted to say is this. There is an absolute metric shit tonne of content in this programme. I have done that purposefully, not because of the fact that I'm sitting over here desiring to overwhelm you. That is not what this is all about. But when I was designing this programme, I was really thinking to myself like, how can I provide the whole story? I don't want this to be the kind of situation where you have to buy this programme and then you have to buy five other programmes to show you how to implement the things that you've learned in the first programme. That's just not the way that I roll. Value is really important to me. It is one of my values as is surprise and delight. So you can rest assured that there will be plenty of surprises, the lads and excitement as the programme carries on the way that I kind of see this programme is that when you sign up you can go through it with me live and you can do every module alongside me. You can show up to all of the group coaching calls. You can ask all of the questions. You can implement everything that you learn as we're going along and if that's your style, well done, you. That's cool and I really appreciate that. But if you would prefer to dive in and do modules one and two and then cruise along through the rest of the live round, implement what you've learned but do it in pieces. That's also okay because the thing about this programme is that you will have lifetime access to it. Lifetime does not mean that you will have access to the programme until the day you die. It means you will have access to the programme for as long as the programme exists and I guarantee that that will be for at least 12 months. But I have plans to continue launching this programme many times into the future because I really believe in it and I've put in a hell of a lot of work. So it's not going anywhere right. It means that you can kind of take your time, dip in and out of it as you need, use it as a resource library and know that over time I will be adding to it and updating it as I need to to make sure that everything that I'm teaching you is relevant and timely and supportive for you and your business. So I definitely don't want you to jump on over to the sales page, look at it and go Oh my God, this is just too much right? It might be too much for right now, but business in the back seat is the programme that you will keep coming back to this year next year, the year after it will help you take your business to the next level and then the level after that and after that and after that and after that I really believe in this programme. I am really, really excited about this programme. It is the best programme that I have created since I've been in business and I have received a lot of really positive feedback and we have a lot of the programmes that I have created since popular business first came to fruition. So there's one final thing that I want to talk about before I finish up this episode and that is accessibility and inclusivity. So first of all, accessibility is really, really important to me. As you know, I'm a neuro divergent human. I am very, very hyper aware of the need for online programmes to be as accessible as possible, and my team and I have been putting in a lot of effort to actually make that happen. On the sales page, you'll see that I've broken down all of the different things that we have done to make the programme as accessible as we possibly can. But some of those things include making sure that we're including written transcripts of all of the lessons making sure that there are open captioning on all of our videos. All of our documents are accessible and where they are not accessible. We have provided an accessible version. The website and course hub have got an accessibility functionality on there, which allows you to basically change the settings of the website so you can change the font and the colours and stuff like that to make it easier for you to comprehend. We also have all of the live calls, but we understand that not everyone feels super comfortable about jumping onto a live call and asking questions in front of a whole bunch of people that they don't know. And so for that reason, we have created mechanisms for you to still be able to get your questions answered. But in a way that feels really, really comfortable for you. So go ahead and check that out. It is definitely as I say, something that is really important to me, and I've said to my team like, I want us to be the role models in this space. I want for people to look at business in the back seat and go like that's what we should be doing when it comes to accessibility for our business too. So the other thing is inclusivity. Now I just want to point out that all popular business programmes and groups are safe spaces. They are designed to be inclusive, supportive and welcoming. Now, as you'll see on the website, I've said there, I would love to have you join us regardless of your ethnicity, skin colour, sexuality, gender, marital status, body shape, religion, health status or, frankly, anything else about you. We will do everything possible to ensure that you feel comfortable participating and sharing in this space. However, if participating openly in an inclusive space, being respectful and being open to learning and changing is not part of your own behaviour or belief system, then business in the back seat just isn't the right environment for you. Anyone who demonstrates bullying, harassment, discrimination, gaslighting, exclusive or otherwise inappropriate or detrimental behaviour will be removed from the programme immediately, and my team and I take that really, really seriously. It was important for me to just share this with you because I want you to know business in the vaccine. It is an investment right. The programme itself will cost you $200 a month over eight months to a total value of $1600. And there is an option for you. If you want to pay in full, you can save $200 upfront and pay only $1400. Now, I know that this is a lot of money for some of you. And so I really, really want to make it clear that as I know and I appreciate that this is an investment for you, I will be going to the absolute ends of the Earth to make sure that you receive everything you need in this programme. To feel that you have achieved the value that you have desired, that you have been able to implement the learnings that I have provided and that also you are in a safe space to do so now. That's all I wanted to say. But I hope this has been really helpful for you. And if you've got any questions at all about business in the back seat, just please reach out to me. You can email me at hello at pop your business dot com or you can jump on over to social media and pretty much everywhere at popular beers. Look me up. Check me out. Send me a DM. Hit me up. Let me know what your questions are Because I would really, really, really love to be able to offer this programme to you as a way for you to get the business stuff under control so that you can focus on the work that truly lights you up. Have a beautiful leak, my friends, and I'll see you in the next episode. Thanks so much for listening to this episode of the Brave in business podcast. Don't forget to hit the subscribe button. Leave me a rating. Although five stars, preferably please, and a review. You can also join me over on socials at top your beers. If you've got a topic you'd love me to address here on the pod, be sure to send me a DM and I'll see you in the next episode.

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