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Culinary School Stories

Dr. Colin Roche, PhD, MBA, CEC, CCE, FMP, CHE

Culinary School Stories

A weekly Society, Culture and Documentary podcast featuring Chef Colin Roche

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Culinary School Stories

Dr. Colin Roche, PhD, MBA, CEC, CCE, FMP, CHE

Culinary School Stories

Culinary School Stories

Dr. Colin Roche, PhD, MBA, CEC, CCE, FMP, CHE

Culinary School Stories

A weekly Society, Culture and Documentary podcast featuring Chef Colin Roche
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Chef Colin Roche has been in the hospitality field for over thirty-five years and has multiple degrees in this discipline. He is also an award-winning educator who is a member of numerous professional organizations including the American Culinary Federation (ACF); Florida Writer’s Association; International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (CHRIE); Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association (FRLA); the National Registry of Food Safety Professionals; and the National Restaurant Association (NRA).Dr. Roche’s certifications include the American Culinary Federation’s “Certified Executive Chef” (CEC) and “Certified Culinary Educator” (CCE); The National Restaurant Association’s “Foodservice Management Professional” (FMP); and the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute’s “Certified Hospitality Educator” (CHE).An avid writer and outdoorsman, he has written extensively on a wide variety of subjects and has been published in various food magazines and newspapers. Dr. Roche is also co-author of the book “Culinary Educators’ Teaching Tools & Tips” (Kendall Hunt, 2014). His area of research interests includes culinary and hospitality education, tertiary education (teaching, learning, pedagogy, and assessment) and the scholarship of teaching & learning (SOTL). He also lectures and consults for schools and businesses across the United States and has appeared in both video and television programs as a content expert, including NBC channel 6 “South Florida Today”, ESPN’s “Superbowl Countdown” broadcasts, and on the “DEAFinitely Cooking Show”.He is the creator and host of the Chef Educator podcast, the Culinary School Stories podcast, and the Wicked Easy Cooking YouTube channel.

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