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Dear Gear

Dear Gear

Dear Gear

A Music, Arts and Performing Arts podcast

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Dear Gear

Dear Gear

Dear Gear

Dear Gear

Dear Gear

Dear Gear

A Music, Arts and Performing Arts podcast
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Dear Gear originated as a brainchild of Kathleen Cooper and Rhonda Simmonds, two Australian-Canadian-American musicians that have been close friends and colleagues for over two decades. Rhonda Simmonds hosts other musicians and artists, some friends, some very well known, and some just starting out in their musical careers. Dear Gear asks each artist about their personal connection to the gear that they have chosen for their profession; music, art, poetry or expressionism. Dear Gear is not merely about the gear (guitars, amps, bass, drums, effects, etc.) itself, but about the finding, the making, the connection and the story attached to these artists. This opens up an intimate side of the artist to their audience, making Dear Gear somewhat unique in that sense.
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Podcast Details

Created by
Dear Gear
Podcast Status
Feb 19th, 2018
Latest Episode
May 14th, 2018
Release Period
2 per month
Avg. Episode Length
23 minutes

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