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Episode 15 - In a Podcast, Darkly

Episode 15 - In a Podcast, Darkly

Released Monday, 18th June 2018
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Episode 15 - In a Podcast, Darkly

Episode 15 - In a Podcast, Darkly

Episode 15 - In a Podcast, Darkly

Episode 15 - In a Podcast, Darkly

Monday, 18th June 2018
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It's the SEASON FINALE! This week the first season of Discovering Star Trek gets wrapped up in a dark and inappropriate bow as our stalwart podcasters embark on a journey through the looking glass into the mirror universe. Archer and the crew of the ISS Enterprise go on a quest to find the USS Defiant from last week's episode, and along the way they learn a little something about each other. This two parter is from season 4 of Enterprise and is aptly named "In a Mirror, Darkly." It's been a long road, gettin' from there to here, but we made it. Thanks for listening everyone!

Episode 15 - In a Podcast, Darkly

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