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049: Chris Raymond of Garage40 debunks marketing myths and provides insight into brand management

049: Chris Raymond of Garage40 debunks marketing myths and provides insight into brand management

Released Monday, 7th March 2016
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049: Chris Raymond of Garage40 debunks marketing myths and provides insight into brand management

049: Chris Raymond of Garage40 debunks marketing myths and provides insight into brand management

049: Chris Raymond of Garage40 debunks marketing myths and provides insight into brand management

049: Chris Raymond of Garage40 debunks marketing myths and provides insight into brand management

Monday, 7th March 2016
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Back in early 2000, Chris Raymond was building websites and forums for other people. He saw a void in the market for a DSM forum and set out to make one himself. This is what spawned DSMTuners.com

He also runs Garage 40 which focusses on automotive businesses to help them with social media, email marketing, web design, and reputation management. Brand management is tough because you have to be in every place when your shop or product is talked about by your audience.

In this interview, Chris explains the ever-changing atmosphere of online marketing and what you need to be doing to succeed.

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