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Everything is Always Terrible

Everything is Always Terrible

Everything is Always Terrible

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Everything is Always Terrible

Everything is Always Terrible

Everything is Always Terrible

Everything is Always Terrible

Everything is Always Terrible

Everything is Always Terrible

A Sports podcast
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Oct 5th, 2018
I enjoy screwing with phone scammers. This time I had my recording stuff at handwhen he called.


May 22nd, 2018
I put a lot of effort into this podcast. I was proud of it.Then I sent it to my good friend, former guest, and talented producer, Ryan Farrell. He polished it to a shine.It's the story of Junny Rio-Martinez. It is dark It is cruel. It is sad.It is the truth. I'm sorry you've listened.


Dec 19th, 2017
Matt Warshaw is surfing's historian. He's a man who knows more about our favorite little hobby than any human alive. He's dedicated to saving its moments, preserving a rich heritage full of flawed individuals. He surfs very well, writes even better. Matt Warshaw is a man I look up to.Having him on the show has ...


Oct 24th, 2017
Episode 24 is the very talented young writer, Jake Tellkamp.Jake's a fascinating young man. Upbeat in the face of adversity, dead set on making this writing gig work. He has the talent, he's backing it up with an education, I'm sure he'll one day put me out of a job.I think I might try to get Jake to come on more...


Sep 22nd, 2017
Episode 23 is newly minted editor-in-chief of Stab Magazine, Ashton Goggans.Isn't that a cool name? Try saying it. Ashton. Goggans. So much fun!Ashton is a rad guy, a talented writer, and I can't overstate how much I enjoy the direction he's taking the magazine.We talked about smoking weed, surfing longboards...


Sep 13th, 2017
Episode 22 is Peter Taras!Mr Taras is a surf photography legend. He's been the photo editor of Transworld Surf, Surfing, and Surfer. His current gig is digital director of Surfer Magazine, putting his autistic tendencies to work by focusing on ones and zeros.Pete and I rambled on about the evolution of the surf m...


Aug 29th, 2017
Episode 21 is Justin Cote, former editor of Transworld Surf and current marketing honcho at Superbrand surfboards.Justin and I shot the shit about all manner of things. From spearfishing to fatherhood to living on an Indian reservation. We talked about balancing soft goods with hard, about the future of the WSL, ab...


Aug 16th, 2017
Episode twenty is Zach Weisberg, founder of The Inertia.In addition to running one of the world's largest surf websites, Zach is a former bouncer, alumnus of a fancy pants East Coast boarding school, and diabetic. He is also a former collegiate wrestler, which means he definitely harbors some esoteric form of herpes...


Aug 4th, 2017
Episode 19 is Wade 'Gravy' Davis.Former editor of Australian Surfing Life, current host of 50 Fiestas, Wade's what I want in a guest. Eloquent, funny, intelligent. He has a beautiful voice. Not as beautiful as mine, but close.We talked about his new project, 50 Fiestas, the grind of travel, animal cruelty, racis...


Jul 24th, 2017
Episode 18 is Ben "Gravy" Graef.Ben is a vlogger, novelty wave pioneer, upbeat drama kid, and all around friendly dude.We talked about teenage cock and ball torture, sex work, anxiety, alcoholism, setting goals and eating defeat, sucking Slater's dick, the struggles of producing daily content, how little other peop...


Jun 12th, 2017
Episode seventeen brings us my favorite former ASP surfer, former World longboard champion, LGBT activist, and Carlsbad city council member, Cori Schumacher.I can't get enough of Cori. I adore our rapport, love going back and forth with a person with whom I agree on the ends, but always differ on the means.Cori an...


Jun 2nd, 2017
This episode's guest is Ryan Farrell, a longtime friend and former punk rock drummer.Ryan and I have been close for over two decades. He's a person I care about. Deeply. He's also a person whose life choices have often left me flummoxed. How does someone achieve a dream, then give it up and start again from scrat...


May 22nd, 2017
Alex Haro is a formerly homeless immigrant living under an assumed name in the Malibu Hills where he runs a welfare state for feral raccoons and Mexican dogs.He is also the senior editor of the world's largest surf website, the inertia.Alex is charming, witty, intelligent, handsome. He's also Canadian. But no one...


May 13th, 2017
Episode 14 features Australian surf journalist Nick Carroll.Nick Carroll, also known as 'Tom's brother,' is a surfing institution. He's been scribbling words about our terrible and wonderful sport for decades. As long as I've been alive, which is easy to forget because he's one of those humans who seem perpetually ...


Apr 24th, 2017
Episode thirteen features graphic design legend David Carson.Is there a more influential graphic designer than Mr Carson? I don't think so. He's the subject of many a college curriculum, possesses a unique, and frequently copied, personal style. He's built worldwide advertising campaigns, challenged perceptions of...


Apr 6th, 2017
My guest for episode twelve is Derek LeVault. If you spearfish or freedive in Hawaii you most likely know his name. Derek's a high level spearo and freediver. He produces Deeper Perspectives, a top notch video series analyzing spearfishing technique and equipment. He is also the proprietor of Hi Heat wetsuits, prod...


Mar 28th, 2017
Episode 11 brings us Danny Johnson, art director of Surfing World and the one man show behind my favorite weekly surf content, Weak Wrap.Danny is a funny guy, a creative guy, a handsome guy. He's got a gorgeous voice, does what he loves. I hate him for it, just a little bit.But it's well outweighed by my love for...


Feb 12th, 2017
Ten Episodes in the can! Hurrah!This installment brings us another delightful chat with Cori Schumacher. We talked about her experiences as a newly minted political force, about divisions within the Democrat Party. We chatted about effective approaches to rhetoric, the consequences of playing the demagogue, and a...


Feb 1st, 2017
Episode nine brings us stand up comedian/writer/producer/late-in-life surfer, Eddie Ifft.This episode was particularly fun for me. Turns out that people who talk for a living are great guests. Who knew?Eddie and I talked about his agonizing Surfer Poll set, Donald Trump, our differing views on 'PC culture,' cheat...


Jan 10th, 2017
Episode eight brings us Cameron Kirkconnell. Master mariner, professional spearfisherman, guide, freediver, father, husband, hunter, waterman.So many awesome words you can use to describe the guy. Cameron and I touched on a million subjects. Fatherhood, working as a spearfishing guide, the time he speared his fr...


Dec 21st, 2016
Episode seven of Everything is Always Terrible features Cori Schumacher! Former ASP 'CT campaigner, three time ASP women's longboard champ, activist, politician, open and honest and such a joy to engage.I've been a longtime fan of Cori's writing and was beyond stoked to have her as a guest. She's an open, honest, ear...


Dec 21st, 2016
Here comes episode six of Everything is Always Terrible!Our guest this installment is another BeachGrit commenter, Seas nail. He lives a short drive north of me, came across as an interesting cat. I figured, why not? Dude has some rad stories and it'd give me a chance to try out recording live, rather than via skype....


Dec 21st, 2016
Episode Five of Everything is Always Terrible features none other than the superb Ms Anastasia Ashley.Semi-professional surfer, successful model, social media superstar, Ms Ashley is a fascinating woman. Despite a public persona that tends toward the happy-go-lucky-beach-babe, it is immediately apparent that she is a...


Dec 21st, 2016
This episode is a bit of a shift in format. No interview, just me and a BeachGrit commenter chatting about stuff. Some of it's fun, some of it is not.We talked about the suicide and depression. A bit of a hot topic for me recently. Very strange to have someone you share a name with commit suicide. Very surreal to hav...


Dec 21st, 2016
The third instalment brings us the Richie 'Vas' Vaculik. Slab rider, professional MMA fighter, former ne'er-do-well.Richie's one of those people who played it fast and loose during his youth, until severe consequences reared their ugly head. Pretty typical, most of us don't possess much foresight during our early yea...


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