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Fireside Folktales

Dallas Wheatley

Fireside Folktales

A Fiction, Drama and Arts podcast

 7 people rated this podcast
Fireside Folktales

Dallas Wheatley

Fireside Folktales

Fireside Folktales

Dallas Wheatley

Fireside Folktales

A Fiction, Drama and Arts podcast
 7 people rated this podcast
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Fireside Folktales Creators & Guests

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Bob Raymonda is a writer and producer based out of New Rochelle, NY. In 2015, he founded the literary and arts magazine, Breadcrumbs, and helped produce it's sister podcast later that year. In 2017, he co-founded the podcast production company Rogue Dialogue, through which he's co-created, directed, and written for two shows, Windfall and Forgive Me. He's also written an episode of the long-running fiction podcast, The Truth, and had small voice acting roles in shows like Fireside Folktales, The Truth, and the upcoming series Primordial Deep.

Voice Actor
As "Kharon"

Dallas Wheatley (they/he) is a voice actor who has appeared on shows like Windfall, Let the Old Wives Tell It, The Final Game, Hometown, White Vault: Iluka, and Moonbase Theta, Out. They also appear on Space Ranger 421 as Dr. Theo Jones. He has a podcast called The Soap Opera, which is a wholesome soapmaking podcast, and Fireside Folktales, a queer-ified series of adapted fairy tales. Dallas is also a voice director known for his work with the June 2020 Dark Dice charity event that raised over $10,000 for The Trevor Project.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
As "Kore"

Creator/Showrunner of CARAVAN. Writer at The Whisperforge

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
As "Nyx"

Josh Rubino is a voice actor.

Voice Actor
As "Zeus"
Sound Designer

Adam Raymonda is a producer, composer, and sound designer based in Syracuse, New York. He has helped to produce podcasts like Windfall; An Arm and a Leg; Breadcrumbs; A Bipolar, a Schizophrenic, and a Podcast; Psych Central; and Unmapped, among others. In his free time, he produces music under the moniker Garbage Person.

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