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How to Adult

How to Adult Podcast

How to Adult

A weekly Comedy podcast

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How to Adult

How to Adult Podcast

How to Adult

How to Adult

How to Adult Podcast

How to Adult

A weekly Comedy podcast
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Aug 3rd, 2017
Something is wrong when we recorded this on Monday, discussing the new White House Communication Director Anthony Scaramucci and now Thursday as the podcast goes live, he has been fired?!?! What is this, the Apprentice?? This week Ashli and Sarah are ANNOYED and we're sure you are too. join us as we discuss/word vomit ...


Jul 27th, 2017
OHHHHH MANNN DO WE HAVE AN EPISODE FOR YOU. Yesterday was a DOOZY with our President, as are most days, so let’s today sit back and laugh. Ashli and Sarah compiled a list of famous people’s names and take turns pulling 3 at a time, deciding who they would Marry, who they would “know” biblically, and who they would Kill...


Jul 20th, 2017
hi friends! this week was IMPORTANT BECAUSE GAME OF THRONES IS BACK AND WE TALKED ABOUT IT BECAUSE FEELS. We are both wanting to be Arya when we grow up. We also give 0 f*cks about spoilers so...get caught up. Ashli and Sarah spend some time this week discussing weddings: what are your thoughts on New Years weddings? W...


Jul 13th, 2017
SARAH GOT PAID SOMETHING FOR ANYTHING YAYAYAYYYYYY! keep it up, lets clap it out for our favorite friend. CHEERS. Ashli had way too many visitors and way too much alcohol and now is a whale, leave her alone. With her upcoming trip to Vegas, the two discuss the city, it's insanity, and who exactly are the people who *li...


Jul 6th, 2017
HELLO and welcome to our friend AMANDA who joins us from LA! Amanda has done it all in life - from living in the foster care system, having her own place at 16, becoming a mechanic, graduating from college to working through the music industry now at a top tier agency in the country! just like Beyonce, when life gave h...


Jun 29th, 2017
HI AND HAPPY THURSDAY. this week, Ashli and Sarah discuss how travel is bad for you (does it stress anyone else out like crazy? we have tips for you), the new Ken dolls because COOOOOOME OOONNNNN, and women's obsessions with men's beards. Ok and MEN's obsessions with other men's beards. What are you hiding in your chin...


Jun 22nd, 2017
hey guys - this week we cut the bullshit to talk about something we both felt needed to be discussed - alcohol and sexual consent. this touchy subject comes to the surface amidst rumors of a female contestant Corinne being too drunk on the show Bachelor in Paradise and allegedly not remembering a hookup with fellow con...


Jun 15th, 2017
YES WE SAID IT. let's talk about college shall we? is a 4.0 worth the crippling debt students put themselves into?!? what are some alternatives to the pre-destined fate of college post-high school - we explore this. we also have small insights from Sarah's best friend slash child, Lenny. She is very wise and very adora...


Jun 8th, 2017
who else was watching on the edge of their seat today? we know we were. we wonder what Frank Underwood would think of all of this. Speaking of thrillers, Ashli and Sarah are HOOKED on (nope not phonics) true crime documentaries!!! Have you seen Mommy Dead and Dearest??? The Keepers??? The Staircase?? We need to discuss...


Jun 2nd, 2017
HAPPY SHORT WEEK! and welcome this week's guest Andrea Garcia (umm its ahn-DRAY-uh you guys, okay?!?!)who hails from good ol Kansas City MO. A self-proclaimed Jack of all Trades, Andrea teaches yoga, is partner of a creative studio/marketing agency and enjoys long walks to the donut line in NYC. The three come together...


May 25th, 2017
ok so we all do it and now we confront it - creeping on social media!!!! the QUEEN of facebook/instagram creeping, Ashli, lends her expertise from research and trial/error because you know she's a pro and also a psycho? whatever. Sarah + Ashli also target life's most crucial questions: is it necessary to have seen Home...


May 18th, 2017
brain scans, head gel and broken hands - OH MY. ashli's broken head has been an interesting experience for her but she's getting better - YAY. good news is we found that our FAVORITE HIGH SCHOOL treat is now delivering...at least in New York?? Just remember when you deliver in shitty weather to give a little extra to y...


May 12th, 2017
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ITS NOT A BIG DEAL GUYSSSSS BUTTTTTTTTTT ashli got in a car accident and bumped her head - she's fine, she just has a concussion aka is herself x 10. she's gonna make it. the two discuss all of our favorite subjects: car accidents, periods, and first date kisses - what's appropriate here?? would you e...


Apr 27th, 2017
ayyyyyy - today we have the awesome, the talented, the super chill NYC Chef Nick Williams - maybe you've seen him on Chopped? we know, no big deal. Nick, who happens to be one of Ashli's closest friends, joins Ashli and Sarah and the three talk about how everyone should be required to work in a restaurant, how sometime...


Apr 20th, 2017
serious question. who would be your celebrity bestie? who do you think you would hate in hollywood? Ashli and Sarah really cut to the core of deep topics this week but tackling these kinds of tough subjects. EVERYTHINGS FINE. you know what isnt fine? starting a fight with someone then realizing you need their help. don...


Apr 13th, 2017
sup playaaaas ! *sunglasses emoji* tomorrow is Ashli's birthday and we all know she will spontaneously combust if you don't wish her a happy birthday so set your alarms now. you've been warned. this week ASHLI & SARAH basically talk about travel this week - Sarah took a weekend trip with her girlfriend to upstate New Y...


Apr 6th, 2017
EVERYONE WELCOME OUR GUEST. the HILARIOUS blogger/former Miss New York graces the How to Adult podcast with Ashli + Sarah proving women *don't* have to hate each other! Ashli and our guest SHANNON LEYKO became lovely friends after many people convinced them they should be enemies. JOKES ON YOU cause we all <3 Shannon o...


Mar 16th, 2017
HAPPY THURSDAY FRIENDS. or sober march if you, like Sarah, are a masochist. THE COUNTDOWN BEGINS TO OUR LIVE FACEBOOK PODCAST. listen in and check our social media for details but you could win over $500 worth of things so ... you should tell your friends. right meow. OK LETS GET DOWN TO BIZ. this week Sarah and Ashli ...


Mar 2nd, 2017
YOU GUYS ITS OUR ANNIVERSARY EPISODE!!!!!!!!! HAPPY ONE YEAR TO US YAY YAY YAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sarah went back to Omaha and realized her niece is basically the next Katy Perry. Ashli went to Vegas and was put up in the Penthouse suite. Basically they had the same week, right?? The two talk about how ...


Feb 22nd, 2017
DID YOU WISH SARAH A HAPPY BIRTHDAY ?? you probably didnt you betch. shes 21 plus 10 now so happy bday Sarah <3 WE HAVE ANOTHER GUEST!!! Our friend, slash Ashlis friend, Harrison Greenbaum joins us to chat about being a professional Stand Up comedian, magician and a professional electric skateboarder? It all makes sens...


Feb 16th, 2017
Let's just jump right into things. Have you seen your friends naked? Is it weird? How much is too much when it comes to invading your friends personal spaces? Ashli, Sarah and Kurt HIT THE TOWN last week and all of them got ridiculously blacked out and Kurt vomited all night. Never say the J-word again unless you want ...


Feb 12th, 2017
You guys. Sarah has been paying for a gym membership for 4 years and has never gone once. This is my shocked face. Ashli wears one contact at a time to make her contacts last longer and could potentially save millions of peoples vision with her life hack. We share with you our true thoughts on visiting NYC (teaser: don...


Feb 2nd, 2017
AYOOOOOO. this week is weird. Kurt and Ashli are FIGHTING because Ashli's Tinder profile is not up to his standards and thinks Ashli needs to appeal to a wider audience (no pun intended). Sarah went shopping and bought too many shoes - yes you read that correctly. Also, what kind of drink should you drink as a growed-u...


Jan 25th, 2017
GUYS PEOPLE LIKE US!!!!!!!!! Ok, really just Brittany. WELCOME TO OUR FIRST GUEST BRITTANY JONES COOPER! A long time friend of Sarah's and the podcast in general, Brittany joins us to brag about her fabulous life of travel, her NYC story, great stories about Sarah from high school and what it's like to be verified on T...


Jan 19th, 2017
HAPPY THURSDAY! how you doinnn? This week the duo discusses all the best things, mainly their humble roots where they started in lame ass jobs doing douchey menial tasks and the ways they made it through to get to where they are today. Another big topic: interacting with celebrities. Can we make a PSA that we can leave...


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