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Life on the Swingset - The Swinging & Polyamory Podcast


Life on the Swingset - The Swinging & Polyamory Podcast

A weekly Health, Fitness and Sexuality podcast featuring Dylan Thomas

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Life on the Swingset - The Swinging & Polyamory Podcast


Life on the Swingset - The Swinging & Polyamory Podcast

Life on the Swingset - The Swinging & Polyamory Podcast


Life on the Swingset - The Swinging & Polyamory Podcast

A weekly Health, Fitness and Sexuality podcast featuring Dylan Thomas
 1 person rated this podcast
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Nov 27th, 2024
We've all been faced with a situation where we've come across an action, a thing, a vision, a taste, a touch, a smell, a scene, where we've experienced an unexpected and extreme aversion… a squick, or… perhaps it was a surprise turn-on. Tyler, Lunabelle, Ryan, Ginger, Tonya, Tonia, and Dylan get together to talk abou...
Nov 18th, 2024
Are you the kind of person that prefers to meet someone new knowing a little something about them, or do you treat meeting new people like it's a video game dungeon crawl with no map, no instructions, nothing but a flashlight and a can-do attitude? Duncan, Ryan, Ginger, Tonya, Tonia, and Dylan get together to talk...
Nov 1st, 2024
Ginger and Dylan interview Andrea Zanin and Eve Rickert about the release of their new book: More Than Two, Second Edition! They touch on More Than Two, Second Edition's place as both an introduction for people new to open relationships, and as a deeply needed and timely reintroduction to improving relationships for ...
Dec 24th, 2023
How did kissing become so complicated... again? Swinger culture still features a choice, to kiss or not to kiss, that other non-monogamous folk don't usually make. These days, the stakes around kissing are higher, and that's complicated things as simple as kissing to say hello . Ginger, Prof, Tonia, Dylan, Lunabelle, T...
Dec 3rd, 2023
Dylan, Ginger, Tonia, and Prof get back together to properly toast Life on the Swingset's 400th episode! The crew invites back Lunabelle, Tyler, and Tonya, and welcomes D into the fold to discuss ReEmergence and discovering intimacy… again. The crew discusses what returning to normal might look like during a time ...
Sep 1st, 2023
Ginger, Prof, Tonia, and Dylan get together on a normal Friday in February 2021 to plan a podcast about swinging… and almost fall into the trap of talking about swinging. Swingset gets meta, discussing swinging as a verb, swinger as a noun, new england accents, and …talking about Sportsheets and sex toys and restraints...
Apr 13th, 2023
Princess Vi and I talk about what it means to build pop-up inclusive, welcoming, and sex friendly communities, and we wander about discussing what goes into that secret sauce… and what it feels like when you get it right, and … when you don't have it. *** EMBED CODE FOR PODCAST FROM LIBSYN GOES HERE YOU INSENS...
Nov 27th, 2022
Continuing on from Part 1 of our live podcast on our trip in Cancun, Ginger initiates a tonal shift, Keeley makes sure everyone knows that more than gang bangs happen, Cooper talks about birds, Prof shares more deep thoughts, Tonia shares joy while serving the people, Ginger makes sure everyone knows that gang ba...
Nov 22nd, 2022
Swingset is a place, at least that's how we think of it today. We created the Swingset Community for the tenth time at Desire Resort in Cancun, QR, MX, and gathered our attendees to listen to Keeley, Cooper, Ginger, Tonia, Ryan AKA The Professor, and Dylan get together and talk about the trip up until Friday and m...
Nov 1st, 2022
Ginger, The Professor, Mike Joseph, Tonia, and Dylan get together for a Friday Night Delights recorded on June 25th to share some sexy stories and talk about growing relationships and sharing managing multiple identities, Also… big gong energy and tribbing.   Help support Life on the Swingset continue to make podcasts,...
Aug 1st, 2022
Tonia and Dylan sat down at the Half-Baked Homestead, lovingly put together by Rapunzel, Colin, and Oengus, to talk about what Swingset gatherings mean (if anything) and what we try to do when we put temporary community together. Talk touches on current events – the attack on trans familities rights to exist, a post ...
Mar 2nd, 2022
We continue the conversation from SS 388: The Power of Witness in Relationship Therapy, by sliding into how intimacy has changed over the last couple of years. Dylan, Ryan, and Ginger continues to welcome Catherine of Expansive Connection while Tonia joins in on the fun! Also… more love for Gestalt therapy!    ...
Mar 1st, 2022
We made it to Desire in 2021 and decided to take the temperature of the room… the very, very hot room that we couldn't turn the air conditioning on in because it would have ruined the recording environment. Cooper, Dylan, and Tonia along with guest co-hosts Mike Joseph and Keeley get together and check in with each o...
Jul 6th, 2021
With this episode, we emerge from our reduced pandemic release schedule where our focus was on virtual Swingset community events to connect and sustain us through challenging times, and refocus on the podcast. We invited Eve, Marissa, Celeste, Rose, and Melanie with an intimate conversation about navigating toxic rel...
Mar 1st, 2021
Join Dylan, Ryan aka Prof, and Ginger in a nerdy discussion about sexuality data and human behavior. Simone and Malcolm Collins, the authors of The Pragmatist’s Guide series, take to the Swingset to talk all manner of intriguing and confounding sexiness. Leave us a comment on this post or at contact@lifeontheswingset...
Feb 1st, 2021
Join Dylan, Ryan, and Ginger as they host Catherine of Expansive Connection. Catherine offers her perspective on relationship therapy and her Power of Witness experience. It can be a challenge for those in polyamorous, open, and multipartnered relationships to find qualified helping professionals who not just tole...
Nov 23rd, 2020
Shawn Coleman and Kevin Patterson join Ginger Bentham, Ryan Bentham, and Dylan Thomas, to discuss consent. They talk practicing consent in every day life. “Consent has to exist in our every day lives and not just be a concept in the legal system.” The concept of euretic consent, a term Shawn Coleman has offered th...
Nov 9th, 2020
Tonia, Dylan, Ryan the Prof, and Ginger unwind with the Swingsetters after a busy workweek to delight in the Delights on a Friday night for an eclectic array of conversations. Ginger gets on a roll sharing about her double mastectomy and DIEP flap reconstruction, and then doubles (heh) down to worship Betty Fucking Dod...
Sep 1st, 2020
Ginger, Tonia, Ryan aka Prof, and Dylan get together for a night of Friday Night Drinking and Delights and accidentally have a deep conversation about desire, shame, selfishness, risk-aware relative to sex and COVID-19, exposure networks and the complication of the return of feelings of jealousy and selfishness, b...
Aug 21st, 2020
Shame kinks. Pubic hair. Quarantine Partners. Australia. We're covering all our bases today with Ginger Bentham, Dylan Thomas, Cooper S. Beckett, The Professor, and Angela and Bradford from the By the Bi podcast!   Help support Life on the Swingset continue to make podcasts, and put on live panels and show...
Jul 24th, 2020
Ruby Johnson LCSW takes over Life on the Swingset and brings Dr. Justin Clardy, Thomas of wearibukun.com and Vision By Thomas,  Charita Marie, and Jhen from the Monogamish Podcast to offer their experiences being black and polyamorous in the midst of covid and the uprising.   You can find Ruby Johnson LCSW ...
Jun 24th, 2020
It's clear from Life on the Swingset reviews that the first episode people listen to greatly shape opinions about the show. If this is your first, getting angry over gangbangs being cancelled, talking about Con Air (the movie) and hair dye is par for the course. Enjoy listening to Dylan Thomas, Ginger Bentham, Ryan Ben...
Jun 4th, 2020
Ella Dawson joins Ginger, the Professor, and Dylan to discuss reactions to people with / without COVID-19, and how it may affect public discussion surrounding STIs and stigma surrounding people living with STIs. Ella Dawson gave a TEDx Talk about how STIs aren't a consequence, they're inevitable.   Help su...
Jun 1st, 2020
Help support Life on the Swingset continue to make podcasts, and put on live panels and shows into the future! Throw us a dollar (or a few) each time we release an episode on Patreon! Your support will get you invited to a private chat with other Swingsetters, and give you the opportunity to join live podcast recordi...
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