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Definitely Human Acast


A weekly Arts, Performing Arts, Comedy and Audio Drama podcast

 65 people rated this podcast

Definitely Human Acast



Definitely Human Acast


A weekly Arts, Performing Arts, Comedy and Audio Drama podcast
 65 people rated this podcast
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It's as delightful as The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy!
MarsCorp and MarsCorp: Martin Chronicles are two of my favorite comedy scifi audio dramas. Human Capital isn't so bad either, just wasn't as good as the other two imo. I'm hoping they're able to put out more soon as I'd love to hear more of Hob's story. Hopefully she doesn't become another Martin.
It was gone too soon... If you've ever played Space Station 13 you'll be right at home among the deranged inhabitants of MarsCorp!
Wonderful comedy, richly-drawn characters, rip-roaring adventures, MarsCorp is a fantastic pick-me-up anytime I listen to it.
Hilarious! if you love Red Dwarf you gotta check this podcast out.
The only bad thing I'll say is that I wish there was more of it! I loved MarsCorp, and all the characters
A personal favourite of mine and all I can say is check this show out, you won't regret it.Also, I can't wait to wake up from being frozen for centuries and still be waiting for the second season to be released.
Absolutely ridiculous. Such a fun listen.
A delightfully funny piece of work, bursting with humour and rich, well-developed characters. Easily bingable (in phases) and always a welcome pick-me up.
The struggle is real for E.L. Hobs who tries to get the Mars colony back on track. Everything that can go wrong, does go wrong. And that´s the least of her problems.Listen if you like a really humoristic take on the science fiction genre.
Quirky British science fiction humour where it doesn't matter where in the universe you end up, you still have to deal with people!
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