Joe is a 30-year veteran standup comedian who has been on The Late Show with David Letterman, The Late Late Show on CBS multiple times, his own 1/2 Hour Special on Comedy Central, been a regular comedian on the Chelsea Lately Round Table, received a standing ovation from all 4 celebrity judges and the 2,000 audience members on Americas Got Talent, and has two 1-hour specials “Medicated” and recently recorded The Poster's Wrong in his hometown of Philadelphia... Well South Jersey just over the Walt Whitman Bridge is where he's really from, but he did record the Special in Philadelphia. His Website is Joe's podcast is much like a journal as Joe discusses everything he did that week and anything else he has thoughts about that is going on that week. Along with this new podcast What's Going On This Week With Joe Matarese, Joe also does a podcast called Standup Lie Down with Dr Keith Ablow. On that podcast they analyze a different comedian on every episode off of what standup clips they play that connect with the guest's issues. Check that podcast out on Http:// or anywhere else you listen to podcasts.