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What's So Funny? - with Brandi Brown

What's So Funny? - with Brandi Brown

Released Monday, 11th August 2014
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What's So Funny? - with Brandi Brown

What's So Funny? - with Brandi Brown

What's So Funny? - with Brandi Brown

What's So Funny? - with Brandi Brown

Monday, 11th August 2014
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“If people would stop saying and doing stupid stuff, I’d be happy to never talk about race again.”

Comic Brandi Brown talks about being a black, female comedian working in the Midwest. Brandi talks about how going to a mostly white prep school helped her figure out how to talk about race in front of all white audiences. Plus, she tells the story of how an inside joke about the Supreme Court turned into a 60-minute play. "I have this complicated relationship with the stand-up community... they drive me crazy."

Brandi Brown does a lot of internet things. Here are some of them.Twitter: @itsthebrandiwww.houseofprocrastination.orgOrangecatantics.wordpress.comStatefaircliches.wordpress.com

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