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OnCore Nutrition - Two Peas in a Podcast

OnCore Nutrition

OnCore Nutrition - Two Peas in a Podcast

A weekly Health, Fitness and Nutrition podcast

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OnCore Nutrition - Two Peas in a Podcast

OnCore Nutrition

OnCore Nutrition - Two Peas in a Podcast

OnCore Nutrition - Two Peas in a Podcast

OnCore Nutrition

OnCore Nutrition - Two Peas in a Podcast

A weekly Health, Fitness and Nutrition podcast
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Aug 3rd, 2022
SHOW NOTESPost-COVID questionnaire: https://chroniccare.snapforms.com.au/form/post-covid-questionnairePost COVID Recovery steps   Referenceshttps://www.who.int/publications/i/item/WHO-2019-nCoV-Post_COVID-19_condition-Clinical_case_definition-2021.1https://www.bmj.com/content/372/bmj.n136https://www.bmj.com/content/372...
May 4th, 2022
We take a wander through fad diet history to explore the weird and not so wonderful, and how to spot a fad.
Apr 20th, 2022
Mar 30th, 2022
SHOW NOTES  Mindful Eating Guide - free downloadHunger Fullness Guide - free downloadDiet Cycle Guide - free download
Mar 2nd, 2022
Rebecca [email protected] Instagram handles: @reloadphysioFacebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ReloadPhysio Are you exercising to  make you feel good or enhance your health or is it the opposite? Are you feeling compelled to exercise and if you're unable to meet your targets does this cause you concern or ...
Feb 9th, 2022
Find and Fuel Your FireThurs 24th Feb 6:30pm AEDTDetails and Tickets here 
Sep 29th, 2021
SHOW NOTES OnCore Nutrition Ladies Lunch SeriesLadies Lunch 1 - Understanding your cycleWed 27th Oct 1-1:45pmLadies Lunch 2 - Lifestyle strategies to harness your health, feel and perform at your best throughout each season of your cycleWed 3rd Nov 1-1:45pmTickets and info via Eventbrite   Study discussedOvulatory Cycl...
Jul 16th, 2021
Episode SummaryCalling all nutrition students and new grads...talking through tips to finding and fueling your fire and an exciting workshop we have planned just for you.Episode NotesFind and Fuel Your Fire WorkshopTickets via Eventbrite Getting a nutrition job is HARD! The Dietetics Workforce Report 2018There has been...
Aug 26th, 2020
Google Trends Health and disease riskhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29276945/https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28853910/https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16507475/https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24671262/https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25156996/https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16685044/https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22591...
Aug 12th, 2020
Find and Fuel Your Fire WorkshopTickets via Eventbrite Getting a nutrition job is HARD! The Dietetics Workforce Report 2018There has been a 95% increase in dietetic grads over the last 7 years.Grads in Vic ↑ from 65 to 127 per year from 2010 to 2016.There is great concern that there is an oversupply of practitioners ca...
Jul 29th, 2020
Fertility NutritionImportant to highlight that conception is a miracle! And for many couples this is not an easy journey. 1 in 6 Australian couples are unable to become pregnant after a year of unprotected sex.Nutrition and lifestyle can play a role and have a positive effect on fertility, in fact, it may improve ferti...
May 6th, 2020
When it comes to dieting everyone is always looking for a quick fix.Effectiveness of diets long term Interesting study https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/369/bmj.m696.full.pdfIt looked at “Comparison of dietary macronutrient patterns of 14 popular named dietary programmes for weight and cardiovascular risk factor reductio...
Apr 29th, 2020
Common cancer nutrition mythsSugar feeds cancerMore info here Juicing No evidence to support it’s use Can lead to deficiency in valuable nutrients, weight loss, protein energy malnutrition Antioxidant load can be potentially detrimental during radiotherapy and certain chemotherapy regimens. More information here. Alkal...
Apr 22nd, 2020
Nil show notes. Contact us at [email protected] with any questions, comments or requests. 40 meaningful things to do when stuck at home in a pandemic
Apr 15th, 2020
1. Keep a routineStick to a schedule. If you used to have a lunch break at 12:30, try to do the same. Factor in snack and tea breaks as well!And don’t forget to drinkPosition yourself somewhere that’s hard to get to the kitchen!2. Check in with yourself. There are so many reasons we eat beyond hunger and nutrientsWhy a...
Apr 8th, 2020
Tim Spector experiment https://theconversation.com/your-gut-bacteria-dont-like-junk-food-even-if-you-do-41564Tim Spector, professor of genetic epidemiology at King’s College London, enlisted his son Tom, a genetics student at University, to undergo an experiment where he lived on McDonalds food for ten days. Supersize ...
Apr 1st, 2020
DietitianTertiary qualification in nutrition and dietetics recognised by national authorities.Dietitians apply the science of nutrition to the feeding and education of groups of people and individuals in health and diseaseDietitians are also qualified to provide evidence based nutrition services to individual dietary c...
Mar 25th, 2020
Beyond Blue - 1 in 7 Australians will experience depression in their lifetime and 1 in 4 will experience anxiety.Mood disorders are something we can’t ignore.One area that’s gained a lot of traction is the way food, dietary patterns, dietary quality and lifestyle are having a profound impact on our mood and mental heal...
Mar 18th, 2020
Carnivore DietDiet consisting only animal productsThe belief is centered around that the optimal fuel source should come from animal products rather than plants.Excludes all other food groups including fruit, veg, wholegrains, processed foodsAllowed meat (fatty meats are endorsed), poultry, fish, offal (kidney, liver),...
Mar 11th, 2020
Coronavirus The WHO COVID-19 Situation Report as of March 5 reports 95,333 confirmed cases globally, including 3,282 deaths Our immune systems declines by about 2-3% a year from our 20s, which is why older people are more susceptible to infectionsMortality rates from diseases like pneumonia and bronchitis are three tim...
Mar 4th, 2020
Definition: https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/learn/by-eating-disorder/other/orthorexiaWhat is orthorexia?A fixation/preoccupation with so-called ‘healthy eating’ or ‘clean eating to a point where it becomes obsessional and begins in infiltrate their life - causing anxiety, stress and impacting in relationships. ...
Feb 26th, 2020
What makes something worth reading?PopulationFindingsTypes of studies - epidemiological, vs clinical trial etc..To really understand a study you need to read more than just the abstract. The abstract is a great introduction however doesn’t give us enough context or information.Each of the different studies have their o...
Feb 19th, 2020
Disease preventionHeart diseaseVitamin E (almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, avocado) and Beta Carotene (sweet potato, dark leafy greens, cantelope, capsicum) are often studied as it is hypothesized that these antioxidants can prevent the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques.Results of larger trials haven...
Feb 12th, 2020
SHOW NOTESWhy?EthicalEnvironmental - A vegetarian, pescetarian or flexitarian diet  with an increased intake of plants and reduced reliance on animal-based products (so not just a vegan diet) has been associated with significant reductions in premature mortality and environmental impact.  https://www.thelancet.com/acti...
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