I’m Bryan Downing and I’m the founder and owner of Quantlabs.net. ’QLN’ (as I often call it) is unique - it’s the only quant-related website and membership service expressly designed to help you gain practical experience with the quantitative world. I just updated my stance on my social media outlets with a 30 minute videos explaining it. In fact, what really spurred me on was the obvious fact that computer-based algorithmic trading is the way of the future. Every serious institutional investor is now relying on quantitative methods to improve their analysis, risk management, and trading activities. This trend isn’t likely to reverse any time soon. In fact, it’s going to get more and more competitive (and more and more secretive) as everyone strives for a trading edge and a secret weapon or two to ensure steady profits.
I’m sure you’re thinking the same and I hope you enjoy blending technology, trading and investments as much as I do!
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