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TED-Ed: Lessons Worth Sharing


TED-Ed: Lessons Worth Sharing

A weekly Education, Society and Culture podcast

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TED-Ed: Lessons Worth Sharing


TED-Ed: Lessons Worth Sharing

TED-Ed: Lessons Worth Sharing


TED-Ed: Lessons Worth Sharing

A weekly Education, Society and Culture podcast
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Rose Eveleth is a producer, designer, and writer. Currently, they are the Executive Producer of the podcast network Flash Forward Presents. They host the podcast "Flash Forward Podcast."Previously, Evelyth was a columnist for WIRED, BBC Future, and Motherboard, the producer of the Story Collider podcast, the special media manager at Nautilus, the managing editor for LadyBits, an editor of all things animated at TED Education, and a contributing editor at Smart Planet. They also edited the Smart News blog at Smithsonian Magazine, and filled in for the Atlantic’s science editor. ...More
Andrew Pontzen is a professor of cosmology at University College London. He has written for New Scientist, BBC Sky at Night, and BBC Focus; lectured at the Royal Institution; and been featured as an expert on PBS’s NOVA, the Discovery Channel’s How the Universe Works, and other shows. In 2020 he was awarded the Royal Astronomical Society’s Gerald Withrow Prize for bringing cosmology to wide audiences. He lives in London. (Source: Penguin Random House) ...More
Mary Poffenroth, Ph.D., Neurohacking Biopsychologist, fear/courage expert, and Author of Brave New You: Strategies, Tools, and Neurohacks to Live More Courageously Every Day (Hachette, 2024).From being adopted at birth to being a first generation college student to her first day at NASA and beyond, Mary has dedicated her life to understanding how best to do scary things. Her work has been featured in Forbes, TIME, Science, TED, Entrepreneur, the Wall Street Journal, SUCCESS Magazine, and Fast Company. Mary has three master’s degrees (biology, psychology, science communication) & a PhD in psychology. ...More
Dr. Lori Marino is a neuroscientist and expert in animal behavior and intelligence. She is the founder and executive director of The Kimmela Center for Animal Advocacy and President of the Whale Sanctuary Project.Previously, Marino was a senior lecturer at Emory University for 20 years and faculty affiliate at the Emory Center for Ethics.Marino received her B.A. in Physiological Psychology from New York University, her M.A. in Experimental Psychology from Miami University, and her Ph.D. in Biological Psychology from SUNY University at Albany. ...More
Author and researcher in dog cognition ...More
Dr. Derek Abbott is a physicist and electronic engineer. Currently, he is a Professor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the Unvirsity of Adelaide. He is best known for his amateur detective work on the Somerton Man unsolved murder case, which he has been working on since 2009.In the 1970s, Abbott conducted research into microchip design at GEC Hirst Research Centre, and later he worked as a microchip designer at Austek Microsystems in Adelaide.Abbott received his B.Sc. in Physics from Loughborough University and his Ph.D. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Adelaide. ...More
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