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The Integrative Health Podcast with Dr. Jen

Dr. Jen

The Integrative Health Podcast with Dr. Jen

A weekly Health, Fitness and Alternative Health podcast

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The Integrative Health Podcast with Dr. Jen

Dr. Jen

The Integrative Health Podcast with Dr. Jen

The Integrative Health Podcast with Dr. Jen

Dr. Jen

The Integrative Health Podcast with Dr. Jen

A weekly Health, Fitness and Alternative Health podcast
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The Integrative Health Podcast is hosted by Dr. Jen Pfleghaar. Dr. Jen is a double board certified physician (Emergency Medicine and Integrative Medicine). This podcast is meant to educate and empower about important health topics. Dr.Jen's passion is to get to the root cause of disease and prevent illness.  Dr. Jen will feature guests who are experts in their fields and experiences in all things related to Integrative Medicine. From Hashimoto's to Breast Implant Illness, Dr. Jen and her guests will cover it all! 
Dr. Jen's special interests include thyroid, hashimotos, PCOS, hormones, estrogen dominance, gut health, peptides, supplements, mold illness, CIRS, Lyme disease, and all Invisible illnesses.
Dr. Jen Pfleghaar is a double board certified physician in Integrative Medicine and Emergency Medicine. She attended medical school at Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine. She then went on to residency at St Vincent’s Mercy Medical Center for Emergency Medicine and spent one year flying with Life Flight as a flight physician. Dr. Jen now works at local emergency rooms in the community and her office in Perrysburg, OH practicing Integrative Medicine. She is a graduate from The University of Arizona: Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine's fellowship program. Dr. Jen loves speaking and lectures to physicians at conferences including the AOA (American Osteopathic Association). She hosts the podcast The Integrative Health Podcast with Dr. Jen. Her own health history of Hashimoto’s (which is now in remission) sparked her interest in Integrative Medicine. She is very passionate about helping patients with chronic disease and teaching them now to let the body heal itself.  She is a published author of the book- Eat. Sleep. Move. Breathe: A Beginner's Guide to a Healthy Lifestyle. She is a board member for IDA- Invisible Disabilities Association. Her hobbies include spending time with her husband and four children, being in nature, weightlifting, wake surfing on the Maumee river and reading the Bible. 
For more information on Dr. Jen please visit: www.healthologybydrjen.com 

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Podcast Details

Created by
Dr. Jen
Podcast Status
Nov 22nd, 2020
Latest Episode
Feb 4th, 2025
Release Period
Avg. Episode Length
44 minutes

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