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Unspoken With Christley


Unspoken With Christley

A weekly Education podcast

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Unspoken With Christley


Unspoken With Christley

Unspoken With Christley


Unspoken With Christley

A weekly Education podcast
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Jul 22nd, 2024
Some men may genuinely see nothing wrong with maintaining ''friendships'' with others, regardless of their relationship status. They may view texting as a harmless form of communication and not necessarily as flirting or romantic interest.Question is, is it right or wrong? He want to keep you as an option. He may fac...


Jul 15th, 2024
Becoming engaged should happen once you both have decided your lives align enough that you want to spend the rest of your lives together and solely with one another and no one else. If either of you aren’t sure, then it isn’t time.If you mean just -talking- about it, honestly, any time is good and the earlier the bett...


Jul 8th, 2024
Conversation is hard. That's normal. Move over small talk; it's time for meaningful conversations to work. Deep conversations can lead to a greater sense of closeness and understanding between people. They can also create a safe space for people to share their feelings, concerns, and thoughts on important topics. Let...


Jun 17th, 2024
The measure of a friend can be seen in the way they make us feel, the level of trust between the two people, and their willingness to go out of their way to support one another. A true friend will always have our back, stand up for us when we need it most, and be there in our time of need.By cultivating and maintainin...


Jun 3rd, 2024
Accepting a situation that you don’t like doesn’t mean agreeing for the situation to continue forever. That would be a crazy thing to try and do, as you don’t like the situation! It only means that you need to stop fighting against the situation, as the fighting creates a lot of tension and doesn’t help to change thin...


May 27th, 2024
Accept what is happening without fusing your identity to it. Zoom out to a larger perspective or awareness from which you can observe your situation without feeling like you are trapped in it. Choose how you want to move forward in a way that aligns with your innermost values further aligning with Gods will.Take actio...


May 20th, 2024
A lack of self-acceptance can hold you back in every area of your life. It affects your confidence and can prevent you from reaching your full potential.People with high self-acceptance are more allergic to criticism. They understand that it’s okay to accept themselves while also working for continuous self-improvemen...


May 14th, 2024
Sometimes you’re an observer of other people’s lives and you think you’ll never experience what they’re living, whether it’s a positive or negative situation. You think, “That will never happen to me.”Part of the real beauty of life is that it’s unpredictable. Nothing is permanent, everything changes, and of course, a...


Oct 23rd, 2023
Of all the relationships your daughter will experience (with her mother, teachers, coaches, boyfriends) the father-daughter relationship has the potential to have the greatest positive impact on her life.Join me today on the Ladies Edition on this topic as I share my thoughts and experiences.


Sep 27th, 2023
Male children grow to be more compassionate adults when they have good father figures in their lives. Researchers have found that the determining factor in developing empathy in children was having father figure involvement.A present and supportive father figure can benefit boys, young and old, by helping them to have...


Sep 13th, 2023
Men often claim that having a side chick provides them with peace of mind when confronted about their actions. This notion is often perpetuated from one generation to the next. However, what if partners focused on resolving their problems to prevent such situations? The aforementioned statement suggests that men find ...


Aug 12th, 2023
Then--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/christley/message


Aug 11th, 2023
Men often claim that having a side chick provides them with peace of mind when confronted about their actions.This notion is often perpetuated from one generation to the next. However, what if partners focused on resolving their problems to prevent such situations?The aforementioned statement suggests that men find...


Jul 28th, 2023
We heard what the side chicks had to say, we heard what the sugar babies had to Say is it justified to fall in love in with a married man? Or is it justified to have sex with a married man for mutual benefit???? Let’s hear all about it in today’s episode as Christley brings the house down with two amazing married wome...


Jul 21st, 2023
It’s important to set boundaries in any relationship, but especially in a marriage. If your husband has female friends, you might see him texting them occasionally, which is probably fine. However, there may come a point when it crosses the line, which could indicate a little more than a friendly relationship.Join me ...


Jul 14th, 2023
Dating a married guy can take you over the moon, but it can be painful too. Surely you have tried to resist it, but your emotions got the best of you. Granted, some married men are mature, rich, and look like they’ve got their lives figured out, unlike some single guys. They even make their partners feel more secure t...


Jun 30th, 2023
What is Sex to you? Does it have a cost or is it just a mundane activity?Join me today as I share my thoughts and experiences on the topic, what I believe should be the case on this


Jun 16th, 2023
When it comes to emergency contraception, there’s often a lot of confusion and misinformation surrounding it. One common mix-up is that people think emergency contraception is a form of abortion. This can make some people hesitate when deciding if they can or should take a medication like the pill.Join me today as I ...


Jun 13th, 2023
Embryos and fetuses are alive and human. This is a biological fact. But biological facts alone do not settle moral issues. Join me today as I share my thoughts and experiences on the topic, what I believe should be the case on this


May 19th, 2023
“ We are investing in your education so you better pass?” I passed so what now? “ send your salary every month you now have a job” What about my legacy ?Join me today as I share my thoughts and experiences on the topic, what I believe should be the case on this


May 13th, 2023
Do you ever find yourself caught in the comparison trap? If so, you’re not alone. It’s human nature to compare and there are so many ways to compare ourselves to other people – money, house, cars, job title, attractiveness, popularity; the list goes on and on.In cases like this, comparison is the thief of joy.It can ...


May 5th, 2023
Single or celibate , long distance dating or married“ how do I stay without my vibrator?” Carnality!! An idle mind is the devils workshop whilst a carnal mind is the devils play ground.. how carnal are you in your thoughts? Of course we’ve had days when you’ve wondered what sex toys feels like? Out of curiosity of co...


Mar 8th, 2023
Womens Day is here and i'm here to wave the pink flag. This episode is a special gift from me to you as i give 9 little things girls (women, sisters, mothers, wives, girlfriends) want. Every woman has a little girl in them and i've addressed those little things.Grab a coffee and a friend, listen and enjoy.


Jan 25th, 2023
Dear Boys Sometimes, it can be difficult to read the signs. you're doing all things right and you’re not getting the reaction that you hoped but you put it down to her personality and assume that ‘it’s just the way she is’. The harsh reality is in fact that she really isn’t into you and even if you enjoy the thrill of ...


Jan 12th, 2023
SOOOOOO.... You meet a guy right???? and you think he’s great, but he only seems interested in one thing. Learn the signs he just wants sex and save yourself the heartache. hey sis Trust your gut. We have instincts for a reason and if you feel like he only wants you for sex – which we’re assuming you do since you’re he...


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