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Word of the Day

Paul Anthony

Word of the Day

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Word of the Day

Paul Anthony

Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Paul Anthony

Word of the Day

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Episodes of Word of the Day

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Dec 6th, 2020
This episode will be discussing what kind of new people God is creating in and through us. We will explore the topic of kindness and goodness as found in Galatians 5:22.
Oct 25th, 2020
Some say “patience is a virtue.” Is patience just keeping a positive attitude when we have to sit in traffic? Do we need God’s help to walk out this character trait? Why does it even matter? Let’s talk about it.
Sep 3rd, 2020
Peace, it’s more than absence of conflict. It’s restoring that which was broken. Let’s talk more about it.
Jul 30th, 2020
We all find joy in different things in this world but can it withstand the storms of life. This episode we talk about biblical joy.
Jul 9th, 2020
Join me as we chat about race and life with Elizabeth Meyers an author and speaker.
May 17th, 2020
The Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Have you ever experience this, your body wants something but you know it's not good for you? Let's talk about denying ourselves and submission to God.
May 12th, 2020
Anxiety. Stress. Trouble. Whatever label it wears in your life, we’ve all got it. You can cover it for a while if your social media game is strong, and even then, the media will remind you! One way or another, the problems of this life will catch up with you eventually. Jesus knew that. He even said to expect it. But h...
Apr 26th, 2020
Worry and stress come in waves and sometimes can be paralyzing. This episode focuses on our perspective.
Apr 8th, 2020
God is in the process of restoring all things and communion is a reminder for us.
Mar 23rd, 2020
COVID-19 outbreak is happening. How are we to be in these times. Listen in as we talk about Joshua and the call God has on our lives
Mar 14th, 2020
It’s 2020 the world is changing fast with the internet, the spread of news and this virus(covid19). There are lots of unrest lets talk about it!
Mar 9th, 2020
Love is complicated and complex. But what is it really. Let’s dive in and start the conversation.
Feb 22nd, 2020
If your faith is in Jesus, something is happening to you. You’re being recreated from the inside out. Our nature is automatically set against God, so in order for us to make any decision to give him glory instead of ourselves, something has to change. Let’s talk about how this change happens, and how it ultimately lead...
Feb 14th, 2020
You want to do the right thing, but you feel the wrong thing right there, just under the surface, and it feels so much easier - maybe even natural. It’s not just you. We all feel that tug of war, and it is literally a battle for your soul. But be encouraged because the Holy Spirit has come to make New Life possible! Le...
Feb 7th, 2020
We don’t use the word “abide” much in daily conversation. But Jesus said some very important things about it. We can’t grow or mature unless we’re connected to him. Jesus said the way we do that is by abiding in his Word, but what is that and how do we do it? (John 8:31-32)
Jan 31st, 2020
Did you know your soul has a Gardener to make sure your life produces good fruit? Even though we don’t say it out loud, most of us live like we know what’s best for lives. But the Bible is very clear that only connection to Jesus brings what is true life — and even “good things” can work against it. The Gardener cares ...
Jan 26th, 2020
This is a brief introduction of my testimony and the start of the word of the day
Jan 25th, 2020
Welcome to the word of the day podcast!
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