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Aspie Answers

Aspie Answers

Aspie Answers

A daily Health, Fitness and Mental Health podcast

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Aspie Answers

Aspie Answers

Aspie Answers

Aspie Answers

Aspie Answers

Aspie Answers

A daily Health, Fitness and Mental Health podcast
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Mar 14th, 2023
As we know that it should come to no surprise whatsoever that we live in a world where society, movies and messages on bulletin telling or sharing with us that we should be living in a world where it is highly catered and meeting the needs of able-bodied. More than that, people with disabilities are so often underre...
Mar 14th, 2023
#autism #internalableism #ableism #actuallyautistic  #toenableornottoenable   *DISCLAIMER*  Before I continue this video I am about to share with you all today, I  want to say that I am no medical doctor. I'm your normal Jo Blogs,  sharing my lived experiences in what I go through on the daily and if  you see or hear...
Dec 14th, 2022
#25examplesofableismtoavoid #ableism #peoplewithdisabilitiesThere will always be ableist remarks that are still fairly common and are commonly said to people with disabilities and that it feels like kicking someone when they are down. Since at least one out of five people will become disabled in their lives —and ab...
Dec 14th, 2022
#ableism  #mentalableism #physicalabelism #aspieanswers  Before we dive into the complex and much-hidden concept of ableism, we all need to first understand the very basics of ableism. I did share with you all the very basics of ableism and what you all need to know based on my first video series of this which you ca...
Dec 14th, 2022
#ableism #negativeattitudesandbeliefs #stigma #stereotyping   An “ableist” belief system often underlies negative attitudes, stereotypes, and stigma toward people with psychosocial disabilities. “Ableism” refers to attitudes in society that devalue and limit the potential of persons with disabilities. Ableism is disa...
Dec 12th, 2022
#briefhistoryof #ableism #attitudestowardsdisabledpeople  Today, I talked a little bit about the history of ableism and where it all began. I also shared the three different types of models that are used in the medical field, the medical model, the social model, and the traditional model. I then shared my thoughts ab...
Dec 12th, 2022
#ableism #typesofableism #impactsofableism #solutions   I shared briefly the different types of ableism that we should know about or educate ourselves better on. You may have heard some of these terms for different types of this or not but here to share with you today about them and also the impact that it has on peo...
Dec 12th, 2022
#internalisedableism #allaboutinternalisedableism #whatyouneedtoknow  OBJECTIVES  * What is internalized ableism?  *Why and how it happens?  *What can we all do to stop it or fight against it?   DISCLAIMER  I'm no medical doctor as I'm your normal Jo Blogs. So, if you see anything out of the ordinary-past or pre...
Dec 12th, 2022
DISCLAIMER: I'm no medical doctor, I'm just your everyday Jo Blogs sharing my lived experiences, if you see any warning signs/symptoms I've shared in the past and/or present, do seek medical attention or advice. Hi all, I believe that we all have a choice and that the choice we make will determine the outcome of th...
Dec 11th, 2022
DISCLAIMER: I'M NO MEDICAL DOCTOR, SO IF YOU SEE ANY SIGNS/SYMPTOMS, PLEASE SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE OR A SECOND OPINION AS SOME TOPICS I'LL BE SHARING ARE BASED ON MY LIVED EXPERIENCES.#howto #comingtotermswiththelatediagnosis #autismadult #aspieanswers  This is the final part of the series based on what I've shared wit...
Dec 11th, 2022
#embracingyourautism #self-love #comingtotermswiththediagnosisofautism #aspieanswers  DISCLAIMER: I'M NO MEDICAL DOCTOR, SO IF YOU SEE ANY SIGNS/SYMPTOMS, PLEASE SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE OR A SECOND OPINION - SOME TOPICS I'LL BE SHARING ARE BASED ON MY LIVED EXPERIENCES.This is part two of the three-part series about th...
Dec 11th, 2022
#latediagnosisasanautisticadult #aspieanswers #autismDISCLAIMER: I'M NO MEDICAL DOCTOR, SO IF YOU SEE ANY SIGNS/SYMPTOMS, PLEASE SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE OR A SECOND OPINION -SOME TOPICS I'LL BE SHARING ARE BASED ON MY LIVED EXPERIENCESThis is the first part of the series based on the title as shared above. This one i...
Dec 10th, 2022
#adhd #aspieanswers #adhddiagnosis #storytime DISCLAIMER/TRIGGER WARNING - I'm no medical doctor, if you see any signs and/or symptoms that I've mentioned in the past or present videos, do seek a medical doctor or second opinion. Or, some of the things I'm sharing with you are based on my experiences, and do take them...
Aug 31st, 2021
DISCLAIMER: I am no medical doctor, so if you see any signs/symptoms that you or your family/friend or whoever is showing from the past or previous audios/videos, do seek medical attention/advice as I don't condone self-harm.So, you may have so many questions to self-diagnosing yourself based on the diagnosis that you...
Aug 27th, 2021
DISCLAIMER:  I am no medical doctor, so if you see any signs/symptoms that you or your family/friend or whoever is showing from the past or previous audios/videos, do seek medical attention/advice as I don't condone self-harm.  In this episode today I covered a quick overview of what I shared in the last podcast which ...
Aug 6th, 2021
Have you ever wondered to yourself if you wanted to get the diagnosis and didn't know what to do or even knew that you had something that may have propped up as a formal diagnosis? Self-diagnosis is common among adults on the Autism Spectrum. While some receive a late Aspergers diagnosis, those who discover Aspergers/A...
Aug 6th, 2021
Getting an adult autism diagnosis is fraught with uncertainty, and once you’ve had your "lightbulb" moment that you think you might be autistic, the first thing you have to figure out is “should I get assessed for autism?”  There are many pros and cons to getting a late autism diagnosis, and while this video is not com...
Jun 8th, 2021
DISCLAIMER: I am no medical doctor, I'm just your normal Jo Bloggs who's sharing her lived experiences with Autism that was called Aspergers. If you see any warning signs/symptoms that may be related to any of the topics I share as of in the future, please seek a second opinion or treatment with a  medical professional...
Jun 8th, 2021
DISCLAIMER: I am no medical doctor, I'm just your normal Jo Bloggs who's sharing her lived experiences with Autism that was called Aspergers. If you see any warning signs/symptoms that may be related to any of the topics I share as of in the future, please seek a second opinion or treatment with a medical professional....
Jun 8th, 2021
DISCLAIMER: I am no medical doctor, I'm just your normal Jo Bloggs who's sharing her lived experiences with Autism that was called Aspergers. If you see any warning signs/symptoms that may be related to any of the topics I share as of in the future, please seek a second opinion or treatment with a medical professional....
Jun 8th, 2021
DISCLAIMER: I am no medical doctor, I'm just your normal Jo Bloggs who's sharing her lived experiences with Autism that was called Aspergers. If you see any warning signs/symptoms that may be related to any of the topics I share as of in the future, please seek a second opinion or treatment with a medical professional....
Jun 8th, 2021
DISCLAIMER: I am no medical doctor, I'm just your normal Jo Bloggs who's sharing her lived experiences with Autism that was called Aspergers. If you see any warning signs/symptoms that may be related to any of the topics I share as of in the future, please seek a second opinion or treatment with a medical professional....
May 24th, 2021
DISCLAIMER: I am no medical doctor, I'm just your normal Jo Bloggs who's sharing her lived experiences with Autism that was called Aspergers. If you see any warning signs/symptoms that may be related to any of the topics I share as of in the future, please seek a second opinion or treatment with a medical professional....
May 24th, 2021
DISCLAIMER: I am no medical doctor, I'm just your normal Jo Bloggs who's sharing her lived experiences with Autism that was called Aspergers. If you see any warning signs/symptoms that may be related to any of the topics I share as of in the future, please seek a second opinion or treatment with a   medical professiona...
May 24th, 2021
DISCLAIMER: I am no medical doctor, I'm just your normal Jo Bloggs who's sharing her lived experiences with Autism that was called Aspergers. If you see any warning signs/symptoms that may be related to any of the topics I share as of in the future, please seek a second opinion or treatment with a  medical professional...
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