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The Fyre Festival (Billy McFarland)

The Fyre Festival (Billy McFarland)

Released Sunday, 21st October 2018
 9 people rated this episode
The Fyre Festival (Billy McFarland)

The Fyre Festival (Billy McFarland)

The Fyre Festival (Billy McFarland)

The Fyre Festival (Billy McFarland)

Sunday, 21st October 2018
 9 people rated this episode
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This is my personal favorite episode. ACC went all out on the burns. It's truly a barrel of laughs.
Never saw the doc, but listened to this instead and it was worth it!
I don't know why the Fyre Festival is my particular true crime-esque obsession, but it is. However, it's nature makes it hard to get fresh content on the subject. And while this episode is a couple years old relative to this review, it was new to me. And one of the most enjoyable takes on the subject yet. It's probably the narrator's style/mode of delivery. It just speaks to me.
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