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Robert Chauncey


 25 people rated this podcast

Robert Chauncey



Robert Chauncey


 25 people rated this podcast
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Tunnels is an audio-drama told in a investigative documentary style, with narration and interviews. The show keeps the right distance between the 'facts' and the fiction, as well as allowing space to breath (i.e. the pacing is near perfect). At around 20 minutes per episode (give or take 5 minutes) the suspense is carefully and cleverly built so as not to overwhelm or underwhelm. I would recommend this for those into True Crime who want a break from that genre, but need that investigative approach. It's also has horror elements and drama tension that doesn't overpower the story.
An interesting story and world about the horrors going on beneath the surface in more ways than monsters in tunnels. The audio isn't the greatest and an important character just drops off midway through the show but this podcast is clearly trying to tell a unique story and the passion shines through.
Intriguing, scary story, that will keep you away from investigating tunnels yourself for sure!Very authentic, and as the story unfolds, the voice acting gets even better.Listen if you like a scary horror thriller with lots of twists and turns.Or if you'd just like to know the secrets of tunnels!
First off, really dig the mystery this story brings. There is always just that bit of information that is just out of reach that leaves you wondering what is going to happen next. I listened to all of season 1 and am in the middle of season 2. I can say the audio quality continues to improve as does the voice acting, so if you are hesitant to go further I would say stick with it because it keeps getting better! Love the lore that is built up in this story, I feel as though the creators took the time to cleanly link all the little pieces together so that nothing feels unimportant, even if it seems like something small.
Great mystery horror story from the perspective of am investigative podcaster. Looking forward to season 4
This podcast took a little while to grow on me. But it quickly became something of intrigue to me. Always looking forward to the next season.They have consistantly tried to makes their records better and better over time. Would recommend.
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