Bill Corbett talks about writing comedy for the stage, the radio, TV and beyond.Bill Corbett is a former writer for MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 and also a performer on the show, providing the voice of the robot Crow (v.2.0) and playing various other strange characters -- including the all-powerful but clueless alien... more
“After I did that show, this is the least anxious I’ve felt in a really long time.”Comedy writer and performer Mike Fotis talks about working in multiple comedy platforms. He talks about the differences and similarities amongst improv, sketch, story telling, and writing for the radio. Mike also talks about the experi... more
“If people would stop saying and doing stupid stuff, I’d be happy to never talk about race again.”Comic Brandi Brown talks about being a black, female comedian working in the Midwest. Brandi talks about how going to a mostly white prep school helped her figure out how to talk about race in front of all white audience... more
“You have to cheer for yourself because if you don’t, no one else will.” Since 2004, Lauren Anderson has been a full time Actor/ Writer for the Brave New Workshop comedy theatre. In the past decade she has been in over 35 shows, more shows than most other actors in the 50+ years history of the BNW. You can also see Lau... more
“One of the best feelings that I ever have is when I come up with something new and then it works onstage.” Ben San Del is a stand-up comedian. His next stand-up hour, Fiddlestick Conundrum, will debut this August at the Minnesota Fringe Festival. Find out more or watch clips at
mnartists' literary podcast ends with a bang: a seasonal tale by award-winning monologist, playwright and author Kevin Kling. #brianbeatty #mnlit #kevinkling #holidays #fiction #storytelling
This month's podcast features a bit about the worst day of school ever, by comedy improv duo Ferrari McSpeedy (Mike Fotis and Joe Bozic). #brianbeatty #improv #schooldays #mnlit
A monthly literary podcast hosted by writer and comedian Brian Beatty. Featured contributor: Paper Darts editor Courtney Algeo.#brianbeatty #mnlit #storytelling #paperdarts #romance
A Minnesota Fringe Festival preview from Taous Claire Khazem's one-woman play Tizi Ouzou. #TaousKhazem #brianbeatty #mnlit #playwrights #theater #fringefestival
In honor of Nat'l Poetry Month, we're featuring three notables from the Midwestern scene: Connie Wanek, Louis Jenkins and Freya Manfred. #brianbeatty #mnlit #poetry #natlpoetrymonth
This episode features poems by Richard Carr, from a new sequence of poetry called "Dead Wendy," voiced by Carr and writer Darci Schummer. #romanceisdead #poetry #mnlit #brianbeatty #richardcarr
For the 13th episode of's podcast, host Brian Beatty interviews blues man Charlie Parr about songwriting and storytelling. #CharlieParr #BrianBeatty #MNwriters #literature #music #roots #blues #songwriter
We finish the first year of our podcast as we began, with stories by writer Britt Aamodt and host Brian Beatty. #MN #flashfiction #literature #spokenword #brianbeatty
This month's episode features an interview with award-winning writer Anne Panning, author of the new novel, "Butter". #writers #MNliterature #novels #midwesternauthors
Hosted by Brian Beatty, produced by This episode features a spooky story by humorist and science fiction writer Rob Callahan. #mnwriters #brianbeatty #rockstarstorytellers #halloween
Hosted by Brian Beatty, produced by This episode's featured writer is poet, photographer and performer Jeffrey Skemp. #bossopoetryco #mnliterature #brianbeatty #mnartists #work #mnmusic
Hosted by Brian Beatty, produced by This episode's featured writer is a two-time National Poetry Slam champion, hip hop artist and social justice activist -- Guante. #elguante #MNliterature #spokenword #basketball #zombies #loveandapocalypse