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Podcast Pontifications

Evo Terra

Podcast Pontifications

A daily Education and Society podcast featuring Evo Terra, James Cridland and Skye Pillsbury

 23 people rated this podcast
Podcast Pontifications

Evo Terra

Podcast Pontifications

Podcast Pontifications

Evo Terra

Podcast Pontifications

A daily Education and Society podcast featuring Evo Terra, James Cridland and Skye Pillsbury
 23 people rated this podcast
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Podcast Pontifications Creators & Guests

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Evo Terra is podcasting’s original professional contrarian. Ex-expat, skeptic, & often funny. CEO of Simpler Media. Hip he/him.


Podcast Critic and Journalist in the United States


Editor of Podnews, James Cridland has been in radio since 1989 and podcasting since January 2005.


Skye hosts Inside Podcasting, a show where she interviews creators about their craft. Skye also writes the free Inside Podcasting newsletter.


Mike Dell is a podcast coach, broadcaster, and customer support co-ordinator for Blubrry Podcasting.


CEO and co-founder of the podcast tech team, Rebel Base Media and Poductivity. Mark is a keynote speaker, podcaster, and content marketer.


Content Strategist & Podcast Librarian at RadioPublic. Oberlin College alum, curator of The Pod Party, occasional podcast writing for the Bello Collective. Word nerd, #foodhat wearer, sock knitter, listener.


Allie Press is an actress and production assistant for Simpler Media. She graduated from Towson University with her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting.


Alban Brooke is Head of Marketing for Buzzsprout.


Bryan Barletta (He/Him) is the voice behind Sounds Profitable. He started in the adtech industry so long ago that they used to ask, “Mobile advertising? Like on taxis?” (2008) before shifting into podcasting in 2015. His goal is to make in-depth adtech more accessible for readers and listeners. And, yes, it is sunny and warm in Austin today.


From his national tours to his months of unemployment, Patrick is an actor/singer who knows how tough a career in the arts can be. He talks with others in the business, sharing stories along the journey.


Pat Cheung is CEO & founder of PodInbox.He is an entrepreneur, designer and podcaster.


🎙️Podcaster (GuiaKast e RSS News) 💰 Empreendedor digital, 📙 Autor, 📰 Colunista, 💡Fundador Site Guia Corporativo


Dr. Kevin Patton is a professor, author, and blogger focusing on human anatomy and physiology (A&P) content, teaching, and learning in higher education.

Guest Host

Dave Jackson has been podcasting since 2005. He has helped thousands of podcasters launch their podcasts. He is a 2018 inductee into the Academy of podcasters Hall of Fame.

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