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Less Hustle, More Happy

Dana Wisniewski

Less Hustle, More Happy

An Education, Health and Fitness podcast

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Less Hustle, More Happy

Dana Wisniewski

Less Hustle, More Happy

Less Hustle, More Happy

Dana Wisniewski

Less Hustle, More Happy

An Education, Health and Fitness podcast
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Sep 12th, 2023
Connect with JulesHolistic Life Coach, Author, Yoga Teacher, JustJULES Nutrition Website: https://justjulesnutrition.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliepelaez/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julieepelaez/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/julie.pelaez/ Ready to trade in the hustle culture for more hear...
Aug 15th, 2023
Connect with Rachel NelsonDeath Doula & Grief Education, owner of Roots to Wingswebsite: https://www.rootstowingsdeathcare.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rachelnelson_/Ready to trade in the hustle culture for more heart-filled living? Subscribe & Listen to "Less Hustle, More Happy" podcast on:LISTEN ON:⭐️Appl...
Aug 11th, 2023
Connect with Yogi Magee:Website: https://yogimagee.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yogimagee/Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@yogimageeWATCH THE PODCAST INETERVIEWS:Subscribe & Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@LessHustleMoreHappyCONNECT:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dana_wisniewski/LinkedIn: ht...
Aug 4th, 2023
WATCH THE PODCAST INETERVIEWS:Subscribe & Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@LessHustleMoreHappyCONNECT:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dana_wisniewski/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dana-wisniewski-m-s-27a17780/Website: https://www.lesshustlemorehappy.com/FREEBIES:Grab my "30-day Mindfulness Challe...
Jul 25th, 2023
On this episode, we have a very special guest joining us - Katelyn Mabry. Katelyn is an exceptional ADHD Life Coach, Author, Podcast Host, Educator, Speaker, and Reading Specialist. With her unique background and experiences, she has become a guiding light for countless individuals on their own ADHD journey.Diagnosed w...
Jul 20th, 2023
Today, we have a truly captivating guest joining us - Carolyn, a tech sales expert turned intuitive powerhouse! Can you imagine making that kind of shift after 18 long years in the hustle of tech sales? It's an epic tale of courage and growth that'll leave you inspired and ready to embrace your own hidden potential!But...
Jul 18th, 2023
Kayla Nelson's arduous decade-long journey towards mental, emotional, and physical healing from Lyme Disease encompassed a multifaceted approach. Alongside unconventional therapies like bee venom treatment and prioritizing proper nutrition, she also embarked on a profound process of confronting and addressing deep-seat...
Jul 12th, 2023
Is anyone else ready to trade in the hustle culture for more health, happiness, simplicity and purpose? Join Dana as she interviews awesome humans who are making meaningful shifts within their lives and the world around them on this podcast. This is a journey from surface living to soulful living.Begin the journey towa...
Mar 8th, 2022
Join me for part 3 of our 4-part Mindful Awareness Meditation to Receive Inner Wisdom series. Mindful Awareness Meditation series. We are deeply exploring using the breath to anchor our meditation practice instead of being carried off in a thought train. These meditations allow us to practice and strengthen our ability...
Feb 25th, 2022
Join me for part 2 of our 4-part Mindful Awareness Meditation to Receive Inner Wisdom series.  This is a special episode for chaotic times. We are still dealing with the COVID pandemic and now the situation between Russia and Ukraine.  What do we do with all of our BIG thoughts and emotions? These meditations allow us ...
Feb 25th, 2022
Join me as we send out a lovingkindness meditation to the people of Ukraine.  It's easy to feel overwhelmed, hopeless and helpless during this time, but Lovingkindness is a practice that cultivates our natural capacity for an open and loving heart when our natural tendency during this time might be to shut down. Follow...
Feb 23rd, 2022
Join me as we launch into a multi-part Mindful Awareness Meditation to Receive Inner Wisdom series. This is part 1 of a 4-part series. These meditations allow us to practice and strengthen our ability to be awake for the moment at hand, to be awake for our lives. Mindful awareness leads to intentional living as we begi...
Jan 27th, 2022
This is a meditation that can lead to a deep level of transformation and healing. It's my longest meditation to date, but it will take you on quite the journey of deeply connecting to your Intuition, your Higher Self, the Universe...whatever name you feel most comfortable with. Happy meditating, my friends.   Follow me...
Nov 6th, 2021
If you struggle to hear your inner guidance or intuition (you are not alone), this guided meditation will provide a simple breakdown of how to become still and clearly tap into what your higher self is telling you. Learn how to strengthen this skill and call on it anytime for guidance and assistance.Just in time fore t...
Oct 26th, 2021
This is a wonderful meditation to do in your bed to unwind before sleep. Add some calming essential oils (Lavender is great) to enhance your relaxation. Just in time fore the Holidays, my new guided journal, Awakening Wild 30-Days of Awakening Guided Journal is the perfect gift for anyone who needs a bit more mindfulne...
Oct 18th, 2021
This meditation helps to release stuck emotions and energy from the body that are no longer serving you. A deeply healing and restorative meditation to help your body, mind and spirit forgive, release and transform.Follow me on Instagram @dana_wisniewskiVisit www.danawisniwski.com Keep the show ad free: Support the sho...
Oct 13th, 2021
Order my brand-spank'n-new guided journal, Awakening Wild 30-Days of Awakening Guided Journal . Filled with 30 mindfulness activities, question and space for reflection, and of course ,original poems and inspirational quotes on intentional living. Slow down and savor life with this journal.Want to watch this meditation...
Oct 13th, 2021
This is a child-friendly meditation that helps kids calm their body and minds.  An ideal meditation to help your child transition to bedtime or help your child calm down when s/he is scared or anxious.Meditation helps kids create a sense of calm and create a safe space within - it helps them take control of their emoti...
Oct 2nd, 2021
Do you have a question or situation you've been wrestling with? Are you looking to tap into your intuition and higher self to provide more clarity on that question? Try this guided nature coaching meditation to see what nature, symbolism, your subconscious and mindfulness have to say about the situation at-hand. Maybe ...
Sep 30th, 2021
Follow me on Instagram @dana_wisniewskiVisit www.danawisniwski.com Keep the show ad free: Support the show on Patreon with a small monthly donation.Order my new book, Awakening Wild on Amazon. (Hardcover, paperback & Kindle e-book options.) This is a collection of original poems, short prose and inspirational writings ...
Sep 29th, 2021
Attention Parents: You can use a real mug of apple juice or apple cider warmed up or simply let your child use his/her imagination. This is a child-friendly meditation focused on learning the power of belly breathing for deep relaxation.  An ideal meditation to help your child transition to bedtime or help your child c...
Sep 25th, 2021
Attention Parents: All you need for this seasonal meditation is a mini pumpkin or gourd (real or decorative - doesn't matter.)This is a child-friendly meditation focused on releasing worries and learning the power of belly breathing for deep relaxation.  An ideal meditation to help your child transition to bedtime or h...
Sep 20th, 2021
Turn your next pumpkin spice latte into a meditative exercise by noticing, savoring and enjoying the process this Fall. You can even do this short practice in the car after you grab a coffee at the drive-thru! By slowing down and enjoying the simple pleasures of fall (aka drinking a yummy coffee or tea of your choice),...
Sep 20th, 2021
The Dalai Lama once said, "If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.”This is a child-friendly guided relaxation exercise focused on releasing thoughts and worries through falling leaves. An ideal meditation to help your child transition to be...
Sep 17th, 2021
The Dalai Lama once said, "If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.”This is a child-friendly meditation focused on releasing worries through blowing and releasing magic bubbles. An ideal meditation to help your child transition to bedtime or...
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